Health and Commerce need not be mutually exclusive! 

While empathetic to the sick, we all acknowledge that the pervasive CoronaVirus COVAD-19 continues to disrupt life for everyone throughout the globe, fueled by fear, restricting travel, and likely forcing many employees and your customers to work from home and endure related temporary sacrifices. Yet we suspect you reject any excuses for not achieving your goals through the concerted efforts of all your teams.

While others seem tempted to just hope and wait for life to return to their “normal”, we say NOW is the opportune time to capitalize on the situation for competitive advantage. We (Click HERE to see our summary Bios, if desired) offer a fast-paced path to the high performance behaviours and habits needed to help avoid stress, burnout and attrition. More significantly, we can immediately apply it virtually directly to team members everywhere who may even be working from their homes.

Our blended Certified High Performance Coaching (CHPC), assessments, training and follow-up initiatives focus on internalizing sustainable lifestyle improvements that include HOW to effectively prepare, present and interpret business and personal situations built from seeking clarity, generating energy, increasing productivity, developing influence, demonstrating courage and raising necessity.

We also drill down to master the psychology, physiology, persuasive skills, presence and purpose necessary to sustain high performance. This neuro-science focused content builds on 15+ years of empirical data based on the world’s largest study of high performers. It also includes our conveniently self-administered online High Performance IndicatorTM (HPI) assessment tool for a pre and post analysis of change to factor into participants’ annual appraisal processes.

As the time to consider live workshops has passed, here is an appropriate option using Skype or Zoom team calls that can still accomplish your intended results. We will professionally facilitate VIRTUAL GROUP sessions for teams (typically with 7-20 participants) to cover all twelve modules instead of any live workshops. These one-hour virtual sessions would occur for each entire team at a prearranged set time and day, customarily with no replay recordings or make-up if a session is missed. They are supplemented with practical skills training through confidential online worksheets, and a total of six months of a password-protected online “community” (platform TBD) where teams may safely share and discuss real life situations with each other and us as professional facilitators/ consultants/ coaches. Delivery would be accelerated over only 90 days in order to simultaneously engage and motivate your teams toward excellence while competitors may continue to waste time stressing over virus disruptions.

Apply for a confidential Strategy Session to explore this true competitive advantage!

Register for a Confidential Strategy Session

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